Heart Attack and Strokes an Introduction
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Managing Heart Attacks and Strokes When Caring for Children
Understanding Heart Attacks and Strokes
While primarily affecting adults, heart attacks and strokes can also occur in children:
- Adult Focus: Videos will address these conditions primarily in adults.
- Potential Child Involvement: Children can also be impacted by strokes and heart conditions.
Challenges for Childminders and Caregivers
When dealing with these life-threatening situations, consider the broader impact:
- Familial Presence: Parents or grandparents of the child may be present.
- Managing Multiple Responsibilities: You may need to care for both the patient and any children under your supervision.
- Emotional Support: Relatives may be distressed, requiring sensitivity and management of the children's exposure to the situation.
Emergency Response and Child Safety
Steps to effectively manage emergencies involving heart attacks or strokes:
- Immediate Action: Prioritise safety for both the patient and the children in your care.
- Calling Emergency Services: Ensure prompt communication with emergency services, involving children if appropriate.
- Ensuring Safety: Maintain a secure environment while attending to the emergency.
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