Older Child and Adult Choking
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Dealing with Choking: Techniques for Children and Adults
Understanding Choking in Different Age Groups
Although this course primarily covers choking in children and infants, the techniques for older children and adults are similar:
- Mild Airway Obstruction: Includes discomfort and possible pain from objects like fishbones stuck in the throat.
- Severe Airway Obstruction: Complete blockage, causing inability to breathe, talk, or cough.
Actions for Mild Airway Obstruction
If the person can talk and cough:
- Keep them calm and encourage coughing to dislodge the object.
- Check the mouth and remove the obstruction if visible.
Dealing with Severe Airway Obstruction
When the person cannot breathe, talk, or cough:
- Stand behind them and provide 5 back-blows between the shoulder blades.
- If unsuccessful, perform 5 abdominal thrusts (Heimlich manoeuvre).
- Alternate between back-blows and abdominal thrusts until the obstruction clears.
Emergency Steps if Obstruction Persists
If the obstruction remains:
- Call emergency services and maintain communication.
- If unconscious, guide them safely to the floor and initiate CPR.
After Clearing the Obstruction
If successful in clearing the airway:
- Sit the person down and monitor their condition.
- Seek medical evaluation to check for any injuries caused by the procedure.
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